Dua Posters


Print, laminate, or frame these visually appealing 12 Dua posters around your home to serve as a visual reminder.



Daily Dua Posters include 12 Duas:

Dua for Entering the Washroom

Dua for Leaving the Washroom

Dua for Leaving the House

Dua for Entering the House

Dua When Looking in the Mirror

Dua When Undressing

Dua  When Getting Dressed

Dua  When Going to Sleep

Dua  Upon Waking Up

Dua Before Eating

Dua After Eating

Dua After Drinking Milk

Print, laminate, or frame around your home to serve as a visual reminder.

This is a free download and an amanah. Please refrain from forwarding the downloaded file via email or social media platforms. Instead, direct them to the link  https://journeytomyroots.ca/

Please also refrain from editing or selling these posters. It prevents us from making more free content for everyone.



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